During COVID, Con-Vivir is Bringing Back New Ways to Connect in Hammonton, NJ
Con-Vivir Wellness Hub reaches out to kids through social and art clubs

With the opening of Con-Vivir Wellness Hub and in-person services at our building, new programs for youth and families have been held over the late spring and summer months to continue throughout the rest of the year. More information about our events here.

In April, we began a social club for kids interested in Harry Potter, and the turnout was great from the very start. Kids ages 10 through 13 are invited to our building on Monday nights for an hour and a half to a part book club and part themed activity night where we explore the world of Harry Potter and his friends. From April through June, the club provided a place for kids in our community to connect during the continued strain that the pandemic has put on gatherings and social meetings. After finishing the first book together, the club took a break in July and has been meeting a few weeks again in August to prepare for the full swing of gathering after the start of school coming soon. Space is still available for more kids to join the fun! You can find our private Facebook group at “Hammonton Hogwarts” and request to join to be able to sign up and participate.

Another great program we started this year was the Summer Arts Camp for Kids of all ages. Kids had six weeks of great fun on Thursday afternoons! Thanks to generous teachers volunteering their time and materials to the kids and families and various donors and volunteers, many youths learned and enjoyed creating multiple art forms. Through art, they learned new ways to see the world, themselves, and each other and find more beauty in their world simultaneously. Many parents expressed their gratitude for this free program offered to all community members.

Also, every third Thursday of the month, the Con-Vivir Wellness Center offers free classes and activities for the community! In September, we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. These programs are only a sampling of the ways Con-Vivir is bringing ways to connect in our community. So be sure to keep an eye out for what we have in store! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on our activities!