The South Jersey Deaf & Hard of Hearing Coalition is a network of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and allies...
...including family, friends, educators, healthcare providers and organizations...
...all dedicated to empowering Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to become thriving members of our community!
ASL: Welcome to SJDHHC!
Octavio: Hello, my name is Octavio Cuenca Maldonado! (Sign name) I am at the Allies in Caring building where I work at. You can see our employees here who are learning ASL. Why don’t you introduce yourself? Daniela: My name is Daniela. I work as an operations assistant for Allies in Caring. Thank you, bye! Octavio: Very impressive! Let’s go upstairs, follow me! (Octavio runs up a flight of stairs) Octavio: That exercise felt wonderful! Come on, follow me. (Octavio shows the door to the SJDHHC office) Octavio: This is our Deaf office for South Jersey Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coalition. We also have a plaque on the wall with some artwork and the big letter “D” to represent “Deaf” culture. Anyone who wants to visit us or discuss any concerns or needs with us, we are here from 8 AM to 4 PM, but please email us in advance at sjdhhc@alliesincaring.org I will discuss our services next. (Video transitions to Octavio standing in front of a blue screen) The coalition itself, South Jersey Deaf & Hard of Hearing Coalition, is under Allies in Caring. What services and programs do we provide? (Text appears on-screen, showing the following bullet points) Social Events: Team building, socializing, networking, reducing isolation. Workshops & Training: Mental health, wellness, education, increasing knowledge. Navigation services: Providing resources related to health, food, accommodations, and shelter. Behavior support services: 5 to 21 years of age, School support, Replacing negative with positive behavior, Prevention strategies, New skills to teach. Octavio: The last one is interesting... which one is it...? Deaf Spotlight! If you know anyone who would like to be featured in our Deaf Spotlight or Services, please let us know! (Text appears on screen with the email address) SJDHHC@alliesincaring.org Octavio: Thank you for watching, see you later! (The video ends with an outro displaying the SJDHHC logo followed by text: “We are your allies.”, then transitions to a slide of the DDS NJ Division of Disability Services logo.)

Together, we...
Advocate – Support – Share resources – Guide
Create new opportunities –
Promote Deaf Culture awareness –
Address communication needs –
Provide mental health &
wellness and counseling referrals

our community
Members of our Deaf and Hard of Hearing community continually encounter barriers in language, culture, healthcare, and life itself.
This initiative seeks to promote inclusive practices that support the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities in the communities where they live.
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coalition will work with people with hearing loss to ensure that those in need receive critical support and services to live independent and empowering lives.
ASL: What are our values?

our values

Some of our goals and strategies include but are not limited to...
PSE change (policy/practice, system, environmental)
Inclusion and accessibility for the DHH community
Education around ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
ABCD model (Assets Based Community Development)
Empowering the DHH community
Cultural awareness
Hosting Deaf social events
The Inclusive Healthy Communities (IHC)
Grant Program
is an initiative created to provide funding to organizations and communities in New Jersey
to promote inclusive practices to
support the health and well-being of
individuals with disabilities in their communities.
The New Jersey Department of Human Services, under the Division of Disability Services,
awarded 18 grants across the state to foster the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities where they
live, work, learn, and play.
To find out more about this grant, visit this link

our partners
allies in support
Ocean Deaf Club (ODC)
Career Pathway Connections [under Easterseals]
NJ Deaf Advocacy Project (DAP) under [New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV)]
OCC Interpreter Training Program (OCCITP)
New Jersey Deaf Housing, Inc (NJDH)
National Deaf News
Diverse Deaf Club of New Jersey, Inc (DDCNJ)
New Jersey Deaf Seniors Citizens, Inc (NJDSC)
Hands up Silent Theatre
Solid Rock Baptist Church

Allies in Caring, Inc.
will use these resources to train a team of
bi-lingual & American Sign Language-skilled
community health workers to serve the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities
in southern New Jersey.