
Our work is to help everyone
access what helps them become their best selves:
meaningful and enduring relationships,
safety and joy, ability to contribute and to choose,
and a sense of dignity.
We communicate effectively
in Spanish and American Sign Language.
We are skilled at working with
immigrants and people with disabilities.

Our work is to fertilize the seeds that exist within
and the potential for blooming
which lies within our human experience.
Our Mission
Allies In Caring, Inc. is dedicated to leadership, advocacy, and excellence in promoting culturally-responsive, mental health services for diverse populations.
We recognize that persisting racial and ethnic disparities in health care are major clinical, public health, and societal problems.
Our approach to culturally competent responsiveness involves: a) provision of language accessible and culturally affirmative; counseling, education and community advocacy, b) focus on supporting the development of bilingual/ bi-cultural professionals and c) collaboration with key stakeholders and constituency groups.

The Lotus Vision
The Lotus Flower grows deep in the muddy waters.
In time the Lotus reaches the light and transforms into a beautiful flower. The lotus flower reminds us that even in situations that are muddy, or difficult, we have choices.
Our obstacles can be looked at, accepted
and transformed into openings.
We can all relate to feeling stuck in the mud at times.
As Allies In Caring, our work is to connect with the potential for that bloom, that lies within our human experience, so that with every experience, we develop into more skillful, mindful, and compassionate human beings.